Friday, February 15, 2013

It's been a year...

A year ago today Joey and I were anxiously waiting for our very first sonogram. I was particularly nervous about this doctors visit because just 4 months earlier I had a miscarriage. This would be the first time we would hear our baby's heartbeat and I knew that if our baby was healthy that the chances of having another miscarriage would go down significantly.

My doctor is so wonderful and got to the sono very quickly. If you have had this sono before you know that usually you see the heartbeat before you hear it. When we saw that beautiful little heartbeat we were overjoyed! It was surreal to know that a living being was being formed and growing inside my body. And now it's been a whole year and we have a precious 4 and a half month old little boy who brings joy to our lives.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

God's Provision

This morning I was thinking on how God has provided for my family since Hudson has been here and I was blown away.  God has always been faithful in His provision of my family.  I can't tell you how many times I was beyond worried about my own finances or the finances of our family, but without fail God has ALWAYS shown up and provided above and beyond in this area! And He has proven Himself again with the birth of our sweet baby boy! I believe that God's provision in this area is so incredible that I had to share.  Hence, the new Williams family blog. :) 

First, you need to know that Joey and I made a decision a little over a year ago to get on board with an "insurance" ministry called Samaritan Ministries.  It would require us to become cash pay patients and we would be a part of a Christian co-op of sorts to pay for our medical bills.  You can check it out here.  I had read wonderful stories about pregnancy bills being completely taken care of through this ministry and as we began talking about having kids this looked like the way to go.  (Side note: When I called to start the needs process for my pregnancy the man in charge of my account prayed for Joey and me and the pregnancy over the phone.  I was beyond blessed!) 
Right after Hudson was born, while we were still in the hospital a financial lady from the hospital came in to see us.  Because we were cash pay patients (without insurance) she asked if we wanted to apply for financial assistance. We went ahead and did it.  Once we were home and I was going through all of the medical bills I decided to call the hospital to check on our application.  The sweet lady on the other end of the phone told me that they had just processed our application and we were approved for FULL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE!  I was shocked and began to cry. Thousands of dollars in bills were going to be covered by the hospital!  With that incredible provision and the Christian men and women that are a part of Samaritan Ministries I can say that we have absolutely no medical debt from Hudson's birth.  

And that is just the beginning, through our amazing friends and family who showered us with gifts before Hudson was even here, in over 4 months we have yet to buy diapers or wipes.  We were provided with everything (and more) that we needed for Hudson's nursery, including a hand me down crib that was in perfect condition, beautiful homemade and unique crib bedding, a recovered glider, and many more creative things that were put together with love by family and friends.  We received a great deal on a 4 door car that would be much more user friendly with a car seat than my little 2 door car.   We are blessed with free child care from my mom and mother in law 2 days a week so I can teach voice lessons and help with our family budget.  (I don't think they enjoy watching their grandson at all. *wink wink*) And I could go on and on.... 

I am in awe of how God has used our community to take care of our needs.  I believe with all of my heart that my God is a PROVIDER!  He loves His children and wants good for them! There is nothing Joey and I have done to deserve all that God has done for us BUT because of God's great love for us He has poured out his blessings.  His provision isn't just about finances.  He gives comfort, wisdom, resources, fellowship, and so much more.  And it's all for His glory!